Thai Yoga Massage and Fearless Draping


Thai Yoga Massage is a fresh approach to bodywork that ushers the body through a variety of movements designed to maximize flexibility, spaciousness, and relief. Experience the marriage of Yoga Therapy and Thai Massage as you gracefully integrate "fearless draping", stretching, and bodywork with Yoga Massage. Demonstrations include working with clients in the prone and supine positions. This work is mutually beneficial for therapists' bodies as it emphasizes easeful ergonomics, moving from the center, and promotes alignment in your body and your client's body. Evolve beyond the conventional 2-dimensional bodywork context as you explore 3-D range of motion and stretching.

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SEO Description
Thai Yoga Massage training teaches movements that improve flexibility, spaciousness & relief, and incorporates "fearless draping" into this online massage course.
SEO Title
Thai Yoga Massage Training | Draping Course | Massage Courses Online