Rachelle Clauson


Rachelle Clauson, BS, BCTMB, is a board-certified massage therapist, owner of Flourish Bodywork, and co-founder of AnatomySCAPES. Her passion is to create informed visual representations of the living fascial system and she is committed to teaching about its structural organization, function, and beauty. She served as a dissector and the Director of Creative and Administrative Affairs on the Fascia Research Society’s Fascial Net Plastination Project (FNPP) and co-produced exhibits at the Fascia Research Congresses in Berlin (2018) and Montreal (2022) that debuted the world’s first human fascia plastinates. She is a contributing author to Fascia, Function, and Medical Applications (CRC Press, 2021) and The Myofascial System in Form and Movement (Handspring Publishing, 2022), and co-authors the Anatomy for Touch column in Massage & Bodywork magazine. Learn more at anatomyscapes.com.