Webinar223 Question 8


Work conservatively, using only light pressure; he will never be able to tolerate demanding massage

Work aggressively, pushing fluid through his deepest muscles to flush out virus-related toxins; inform him he will probably be sore, but that is part of the healing process

Work with him the way you did before the pandemic; he will appreciate the normalcy of his standard massage and recover more quickly that way


Work conservatively, gradually increasing intensity of massage as his tolerance improves; follow up between sessions to see how he progresses


Your client had COVID-19, with symptoms peaking 6 weeks ago. He is cleared for communicability risk. His last massage was in February 2020. He still struggles with bouts of fatigue and poor tolerance for exercise. He used to run 30 miles a week; now he can barely walk a half mileā€”on a good day. He would like to return to his pre-infection levels of activity. What is your best strategy?