WMC-Webinar307 Question 1

It is a unique Hawaiian massage that works with the spirit, mind and body, using specific strokes and routines
It is a unique Hawaiian massage that works with the spirit, mind and body, using specific strokes and routines, incorporating prayer, heat, steam, diet, cleansing, herbal therapy, exercise, health education and counseling in restoring health and optimal functioning on all levels of being.
It is a unique Hawaiian massage that uses different bodywork techniques and routines in addition to prayer, heat, steam, diet, cleansing, herbal therapy, exercise, health education and counseling in restoring health and optimal functioning on all levels of being.
It is a unique Hawaiian massage that is intentionally spiritual in its orientation and approach to healing. Each lomilomi session begins and ends with a pule, or prayer and acknowledges that true healing occurs primarily on the spiritual level.
What holds true for EVERY style of lomilomi?