Art Riggs


Art Riggs is a Certified Advanced Rolfer and massage therapist who has been teaching bodywork since 1988 and now sells myofascial release videos and manuals worldwide. He has conducted numerous workshops for health spas and medical professionals, including physical therapists, and has assisted in Rolf Institute trainings. His certifications include Rolf training in Munich, Germany, as well as advanced Rolf training, anatomy dissection, and craniosacral therapy. In addition to his publication of Deep Tissue Massage: A Visual Guide to Techniques and its corresponding "Deep Tissue Massage & Myofascial Release" video, Art has written numerous articles for massage publications and contributed a chapter to the Modalities for Massage and Bodywork textbook. Art is also a proud recipient of the 2012 Lifetime Achievement Award from the World Massage Conference.  Visit his website at